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Align purpose shine

Amanda Parker-Scott

feng shui consultant


intuitive master energy healer

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" Empowering Soul-led women &  entrepreneurs live a life of abundance & purpose, through energetic alignment of themselves, homes & businesses "

Feng Shui, Earth Healing & Energy Healing helps us understand how our homes hold space between our inner world & outer life, and begin to create balance, flow & change.

Our happiness and overall wellbeing depends on our state of mind & our environment. We energetically have two homes, the space of our mind and the space we call home.

A peaceful, visually appealing home or workspace can create a greater sense of wellbeing, a cluttered chaotic space can create, overwhelm, confusion & stagnation within ourselves. Colours, lighting & different elements can affect a person's health, mood, productivity & behaviour to name just a few, everything has frequency & a vibration.

  • Transform the overall well being of yourself and family

  • Create an environment in your home and business which supports and nurtures growth

  • Elevate and transform yourself & your business

  • Heal and harmonise any geopathic stress

We all possess an invisible energetic signature which flows along our energy channels known as meridian lines & our chakra system, the health of these energies in terms of flow, balance and harmony is reflected in our general wellbeing of the mind, body and spirit.

Our homes & our workspaces have their own invisible energy system in terms of flow, to create a supportive, nurturing environment for all to flourish & to live the life we desire.

"when we look at creating change within our lives, our minds & homes are a great place to start"

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Holistic health is an overall state of wellness on all levels. In reality, your mind, body and spirit are completely intertwined and cannot be separated, they are aspects of the whole, not separate entities. You simply cannot affect one level, either positively or negatively, without influencing your entire being to some extent.


The energy of our space is an extension of our subconscious mind which can have a huge impact on how we navigate our outer world.


Once we truly grasp the importance of the mind, body and spirit relationship, addressing wellbeing on all levels, along with our homes, the more likely you are to see remarkable changes & healing occur.

Every room within our home tells us a unique story.

  • Are you overwhelmed by what you see or feel?

  • Are you seeking a deeper meaning in life?

  • Do you work from your home office?

  • Do you feel you take one step forward and three steps back?

  • Things not flowing in business or relationships?

  • Having family or romantic relationships discord? 

  • Health and energy balance need to be addressed?

  • Having sleepless nights, worry and exhaustion on waking?

  • Following outdated energetic patterns that keep you feeling stuck?

  • You may have tried various healing modalities, only to find you fall back into old patterns of thinking & behaviour?

All of the above can be easily addressed & I can show you how

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"your home & subconscious are key to change"

"our conscious mind commands & our subconscious obeys"

Client Reviews
Sherry Cannon-Jones



I have received energy treatments in various forms from Amanda over the years, initially her helping with my anxiety, but then discovering the sessions brought me so much more, she is able to focus her energy on me , to help with my energy flow to help ease any pain, I always feel better after a session, my mind/head is calmer and clearer and able to cope with any problems and stresses that life deals me a whole lot better!

Absolutely loved my session with Amanda, the insight into my energy was spot on and everything that she suggested made perfect sense. I now know what colours and elements will compliment my business in the best way and I am totally in love with Amanda and what she does. Her healing energy is palpable and I always feel lifted and encouraged after every interaction we have.

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