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feng shui consultant
intuitive master energy healer

Hello, I'm Amanda, founder and owner of APS & welcome to my space. 

My journey started in early childhood, I have always been spiritually aware, empathic, intuitive and in tune with the energy of people and environments. When I was 11 my late grandmother came to me and gave me spiritual advice that I still live by today.

I use my Intuitive skills alongside various energy healing modalities & Feng Shui principles to assist you with balance, flow within your personal energy systems, in your homes & workspaces. This creates flow, harmony & balance of energy to help you navigate your life path & fulfill your purpose.

I can work with you in person at the Align Purpose Shine treatment suite in Stockton on Tees, or online remotely wherever you are in the UK. I offer both group and 1 to 1 sessions, depending upon your needs.

Amanda - Founder and Owner


From early childhood I was sensitive, empathic, spiritually aware having mediumistic & psychic experiences, I felt the energy of people, along with the energy within their spaces. The early days felt there was a sensory overload of people's energy & their feelings, due to this I much preferred my own company and surroundings.


During my teenage years I felt isolated, and became a victim of bullying.  This experience and many others never swayed me from believing there was so much more to the person, & whatever energy people displayed, it was not necessarily the true essence of themselves.


We all have a choice on how we use and project our energy; both positively or negatively, although our energy can be influenced easily through things such as family, health, life circumstances, self limiting beliefs, society and our environment. Life is full of experiences, and every single one is necessary for us to be who we are today.

By being aware, open to change & healing, we can benefit from understanding how our energy projection is an extension of ourselves & how we interact with our environments, along with the impact our personal energy can have on ourselves, others &our outer world.

My childhood experiences created a platform for me to explore what felt totally natural to me from an energy perspective, I was naturally inclined to study deeper into energy work, becoming disciplined and committed. My journey has shown me my lessons, strengths & weaknesses along with a deeper connection to myself & others with heightened sensitivity.


I work from a heart centered space which fills me with joy. I am at peace with being sensitive, empathic, intuitive & disciplined in various energy healing modalities, also to be used as a channel to serve others in my professional capacity.

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We all possess our own energy field and it is our responsibility to keep healthy and in balance, I believe all aspects of the 'whole' person need to be considered in order for that process to take place. Energy work can come in many different forms.   

My interest in working with energy spans over three decades. I have trained in many mediums and continue to expand my knowledge regularly. This allowing me to grow, to fully understand myself, people, energy, how we are all connected, as humans we depend on one another throughout our lives, be it support, loving, caring or healing.  ​

As an intuitive experienced master energy healer & coach, my vision is to empower clients, enhance their wellbeing, create an understanding to facilitate profound changes in areas each client wishes to address. By using various mediums they in turn are able to create a deeper understanding of life flow, balance, harmony, supporting them on their life journey & living a life they desire & feel aligned with.

Each & everyone of us has a purpose & unique gifts to share with the world, our journey is to align with that purpose, find what makes our souls sing to shine brightly in the world & support others on their journey.


The world needs more compassion, love, gentle healing & connection, individually & collectively.


"faith is the knowledge within the heart beyond the reach of proof" 
Khalil gibran

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